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The Bureau of the ÖSSV comprises eight members and represents the management body. In the bureau all county ski instructor associations are represented as full members of the ÖSSV. The current management and outside representation of the associations is performed by the President.



Richard Walter

Richard Walter

Wolfgang Neuhuber

Wolfgang Neuhuber

Martin Dolezal

Presidium member
Martin Dolezal

Markus Reicher

Presidium member
Markus Reicher

Gerhard Sint

Vice president
Gerhard Sint

Willi Kraml

Vice treasurer
Willi Kraml

Mag. Conny Berchtold

Presidium member
Mag. Conny Berchtold

Johannes Putz

Presidium member
Johannes Putz

Christian Abenthung

General secretary
Christian Abenthung

Business office

e.h. A-6020 Innsbruck
Anichstraße 29

Tel. +43 (0)512 580622
Fax +43 (0)512 58607015

E-Mail: info(at)snowsportaustria.at